Watch the video to see how.
White Rose generates at least £500 annually from each clothing bank for peace-building through the Aegis Trust (£5,000 over ten years). Aegis will leverage this to secure at least five times more funding from foundations and governments seeking to prevent atrocities and strengthen international development.
Fundraising in the US?
Join the White Rose Clothing Bank Campaign right here and enable your supporters to make tax-deductible donations via Aegis America on the Crowdrise platform!
It’s super-easy to get started:
Fundraising outside the US?
Set up your page for the Clothing Bank Campaign right here with White Rose on the Totalgiving platform and 100% of what you raise will go directly to fund clothing banks for peacebuilding (NO platform fees!)
UK taxpayers who support you can ALSO claim Gift Aid here - adding 25% to the value of their donation at no extra cost.
Click below and the system will take you through page set-up. It’s really easy, and you can change anything later at the click of a button.